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social determinants of health

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Fake Health News: How to Recognize It So You Can Stay Safe

Patricia Salber, MD, MBA - 10/12/2020 - 2

Fake health news stories are flooding the internet. Here’s how you can determine the credibility of the information and its publisher.

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Re-Shaping Patient Engagement in a Multicultural World

Abner Mason - 9/8/2019 - 0

An increasing multicultural divide between patients and the healthcare workforce can impede patient engagement and may lead to poor outcomes and higher costs.

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Climate Change: The Fuse is Lit, It’s Time to Act

Paul S. Auerbach, MD - 4/22/2019 - 0

The climate change fuse is lit. We must act now, or we may not be able to prevent the worst health consequences of climate change.

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How Rental Application Fees Contribute to Poverty

Eric Worral - 3/5/2019 - 3

Excessive rental application fees may deter qualified low-income tenants from applying for better places to live, trapping them in their current situations.

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Social Determinants: Poverty, Death, and Healthcare

Joseph Valenti, M.D. - 12/9/2018 - 0

Social determinants, despite their intangible origins, have very tangible effects. In Baltimore, Maryland and other race- and class-segregated communities across America, there exists a 20-year life expectancy gap between wealthy and poor areas.

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Climate Change and Human Health: It’s a Killer

Patricia Salber, MD, MBA - 11/28/2018 - 7

The impact of climate change on human health is killing people right now via extreme weather events, spread of infectious disease, and failures of nutrition.

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Are Social Determinants of Health a Key to Health Care Value?

Sam Cohen - 10/31/2018 - 0

Payers are already rolling out initiatives to address Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). Some are also incorporating SDoH into value-based payments models.

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Poverty, Political Exploitation and the Spread of Tuberculosis

Andy Heikkila - 10/16/2018 - 0

The history of the spread of Tuberculosis is inextricably linked to colonial and racist ventures, such as gold mining in South Africa.

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What You Need to Know About Climate Change and Children’s Health

Jennifer Landis - 5/22/2018 - 0

Children are more susceptible to adverse effects of climate change because of age & small size. Here are some steps to protect them & our environment.

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Cancer Death Rates are Way Down, Why?

Patricia Salber, MD, MBA - 2/12/2018 - 1

American Cancer Society statistics show that the death rate from cancer has declined over the last 2 decades and dropped another 1.7% last year. There’s also been a 2% decline in new cancer diagnoses in the last decade for men, but not for women. Otis Brawley, MD, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer for the ACS describes what’s behind these stats.

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Enviromedics: How Climate Change is Killing Us Now

Patricia Salber, MD, MBA - 2/9/2018 - 0

Enviromedics: The Impact of Climate Change on Human Health is written by physicians Jay Lemery and Paul Auerbach. This well-written book provides a comprehensive overview of the health consequences of the various aspects of climate change, including heat waves and heat stress, extreme weather, and vector-borne diseases.

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Health Literacy: The Importance of Teaching Health in High School

Patricia Salber, MD, MBA - 9/17/2017 - 0

Teaching health literacy in high school should be every bit as important for students’ future success as math and American history.

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