Encala is an effective medical nutrition therapy for malabsorption that provides high-calorie fats and facilitates absorption of dietary fats.
Read MoreCernostics’ TissueCypher Assay uses molecular and cellular data to predict which patients with Barrett’s esophagus are at risk of progression to esophageal cancer.
Read MoreWhile probiotics work solely in the intestines, thanks to the gut-brain connection, the work done there can impact your mental health as well.
Read MoreCollaboration is crucial to attaining the audacious goals of reimagining research, diagnosis, and care for all patients with autoimmune diseases.
Read MoreTransoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) is an attractive alternative for treatment of chronic GERD in patients who meet the criteria for the procedure.
Read MoreAlyssa Klemm was born with biliary atresia, a condition that almost always requires a liver transplant. Now in college, she is passionate about organ donation.
Read MoreRecent research has elucidated the relationship between the oral microbiome and a variety of system diseases including Sjogrens, Lupus, & Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Read MoreThere are many different forms of hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), but what they have in common is that the symptoms are often subtle and they can progress to liver scarring (cirrhosis) and liver failure. Hepatologist Joseph Galati describes the causes and course of the different types.
Read MoreAs the obesity epidemic continues to grow, we are seeing serious complications, including non-alcohol fatty liver disease (NAFLD), in many obese people, including very young children. In some cases, the damage to the liver leads to irreversible scarring requiring transplantation. If diagnosed and treated early, these complications can be prevented.
Read MoreSuccessful bariatric surgery requires preparation, long-term recovery, and lifelong changes in your relationships with your body, food, and the people in your life.
Read MoreListen to your patients with IBS, not just their symptoms, but for what they want and how their symptoms are affecting their day-to-day lives. They are living the one case they really know about.
Read MoreThe foods we eat can alter the microbial communities in our digestive tract and this, in turn, impacts complex human behaviors related to weight, such as appetite and satiety.
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