The color red was most likely the first color (besides black and white) to be registered in our ancient ancestors brains.
Read MoreExploring the answer to the question of how humans are different from other animals has led researchers to make some fascinating discoveries.
Read MoreScientific experiments help elucidate the evolution of music from a meaningless jumble of sounds into a more coherent form of human communication.
Read MoreThe hairy penis occurs in chimpanzees and male mammals of other lower species. How it disappeared during the evolution of man is a fascinating story.
Read MoreOur genes, brain, and psychology all conspire to generate inequality in our highly developed societies. But it wasn’t always so. When and why has inequality become so entrenched?
Read MoreIn the past, cooperation for mutual benefit was so biologically advantageous that it was hard-wired in the brain, but politics may have changed the rules of the game.
Read MoreThe ancients recognized that wine was good for you in small quantities but harmful in excess. In Greek mythology, only the Gods were allowed to get drunk.
Read MoreWhat does science have to say about what women want when it comes to men? It turns out, it says a lot, but also very little. Dov Michaeli examines the evolutionary psychology and physiologic evidence.
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