Early experiences with death, including the failure to revive a drowned fisherman, spurred a young man to become a doctor.
Read MoreThe heartbreaking sound of a mother’s howl helped a medical student appreciate the huge responsibility of giving bad news about a loved one.
Read MoreA medical student’s mom told her witnessing her grandfather’s agonizing death was a gift, implying that it would make her a better doctor.
Read MoreFacing a painful death from incurable cancer, Brittany Maynard had to move to Oregon so she could control her destiny & die with dignity. Why do so few states allow this?
Read MoreA young medical student recalls the indelible experience of taking care of a dying patient. It is the story of her first patient and her first death.
Read MoreCaring for his dying patient, a much-loved Irish farmer with advanced renal failure reminded a doctor of what’s really important in medicine.
Read MoreAlthough compassion and empathy are innate qualities, specific education and training can sharpen and improve how physicians deliver bad news to patients.
Read MoreWe were told that as third-year medical students, we are lucky because we have time to really get to know our patients as people. It turns out to be true.
Read MoreCreating a plan for strategic aging can help patients create a narrative and direction for their end-of-life journey.
Read MoreNursing errors and the unmonitored use of patient-controlled analgesia led to the unexpected death of a mother’s only child. It could have been prevented.
Read MoreExistential coaching in end-of-life conversations may allow people to die with dignity with some relief from existential angst in their final moments
Read MoreA first year medical student describes her anatomy lab and how she grew to appreciate the corpse she worked on as a gift.
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