The poison ivy rash is intensely itchy but there are a number of home remedies and prescription medications that can bring relief.
Read MoreAllergic contact dermatitis to cosmetics is common but easily treated. Key to future prevention is identification of the offending allergen.
Read MoreYou likely don’t need to worry about getting cancer because 2/3 of us will remain cancer-free during our lifetimes. Science explains why.
Read MoreNew USDA Dietary Guidelines have important recommendations: No added sugar before 2 years old and early allergen introduction by 4 months.
Read MoreFood allergies are severe, even life-threatening immune reactions. Studies show that some can be prevented by introducing allergens early in life.
Read MoreA small study of seriously ill COVID-19 patients administered acalabrutinib, a BTK inhibitor and repurposed lymphoma drug, showed very promising results.
Read MoreCollaboration is crucial to attaining the audacious goals of reimagining research, diagnosis, and care for all patients with autoimmune diseases.
Read MoreAsthma is a chronic disease that is manageable through medications and by eliminating or avoiding triggers (e.g., allergens, poor indoor air quality).
Read MoreDust allergy symptoms occur year-round & have a big effect on quality of life. It’s hard to avoid dust & dust mites but there are things tp do to get relief.
Read MoreThe limitations of immunotherapy are grossly understated including the fact that most patients with advanced cancers won’t benefit from the drugs.
Read MoreMost parents (and even some doctors) are unaware of the critical role of the infant microbiome as a foundation for good health throughout a child’s life.
Read MoreIt’s important to understand the difference between spring and summer allergies so you can recognize your triggers and begin treatment. Spring allergies are often triggered by tree pollen; summer allergies are often caused by grasses and weeds.
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