Want to Make Fitness a Lasting Habit? 5 Strategies That Will Help

By James P. Owen | Published 1/1/2021 6

make fitness a habit older man at gym

Making fitness a habit is the key to sustaining a lifelong exercise program. (Photo source: iStock)

“You’re so disciplined,” said my wife, trying to be encouraging. I surely wasn’t feeling it this day. When it’s time for one of my three weekly strength-training sessions, I’m normally raring to go. But after a jam-packed week and another shutdown of my gym due to the pandemic, all I wanted was to collapse into a chair with a good book. I knew full well that making fitness a habit is the key to getting in shape or staying that way. Still, my willpower was M.I.A. 

Chalk it up to human nature. We’re really good at seeking immediate gratification but notoriously less good at working toward long-term goals, like saving for retirement or warding off heart disease. As fickle as willpower can be, it doesn’t take much to derail it. 

Fortunately, our higher brains can come to the rescue and help us make good on our intentions. Ultimately, I did rouse myself and completed the at-home workout I’ve devised to substitute for my gym routine during the pandemic. I even did some extra repetitions for good measure.

Strategies to help you make fitness a habit 

What carried me through was a combination of strategies that can apply not only to exercising but also to any kind of endeavor that requires consistent follow-through.    

1. Harness the power of habit1

Once established, habits can step in where willpower falters. Habits are powerful because they’re how we structure our lives. And the more we follow them, the stronger and more automatic they become.  

When you’re in the habit of exercising regularly, your brain will give you a small inner hit of satisfaction every time you mentally check that box. It may also feel “wrong” to skip your workout without a good reason.

Because our bodies need different types of physical activity to be fully functional, I’ve also earmarked an hour a day, six days a week for fitness. On the days I’m not doing strength training, I work on cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and balance. That hour-a-day model makes things simpler by eliminating ambiguity. I might switch up exactly what I do and when, but the amount of time I devote to fitness is fixed.

Here are some additional tips to further entrench the fitness habit:

        • Cement the habit

How do you get to the point where the exercise habit is firmly cemented into your daily life? One crucial step is being specific about what you will do and when and where you will do it. Telling yourself “I want to walk more,” or even “my goal is 5,000 steps a day,” may not be enough. Deciding that “I will walk for 30 minutes before lunch every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday” is more likely to lead to the results you want.

        • Habit stacking

Another effective technique is what some label “habit stacking.” The idea is to link a habit you want with one that’s already ingrained. For example, if your goal is to grow more limber, you could decide to stretch for 20 minutes daily just before you brush your teeth in the morning.

          • Temptation bundling

A similar approach, called “temptation bundling2,” is to condition something you want on the activity you’re trying to cultivate. You could promise yourself to watch your favorite TV show only after you’ve done the exercise you planned.

Of course, stuff happens. Inevitably, there will be times when something unexpected foils your plans. But you’ll be prepared for that if you’ve got a clear fallback: “if something prevents me from walking before lunch on Wednesday, I will do it before dinner or slot in an extra session over the weekend.”

In essence, steps like these let you structure your life to reduce your dependence on willpower.  One interesting study found that the subjects who scored high on measures of self-control—in this case, being able to resist eating sweets—didn’t necessarily have stronger willpower than the others.

Their secret was not keeping those kinds of foods in the house and not going to restaurants with an alluring dessert menu. It’s not that they were better at managing temptation; they were simply exposed to it less often.

The takeaway: If you find it hard to exercise, take a close look at the habits and structures in your life rather than lamenting your lack of willpower.  

2. Reframe the reward

Willpower doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s fueled largely by your motivation—the reason why you want to exercise. Your willpower reflects how dedicated you are in this moment to making it happen.

If your motivation is compelling, your will to follow through will be that much stronger. For most of us, though, vague, long-term benefits like reducing risks of cancer or dementia simply aren’t that inspiring. The line between action (or inaction) and the consequence is blurry. it’s all too easy to think, “it won’t happen to me.” 

This doesn’t mean, however, that long-term motivations can never be effective. It’s different if your “why” is an intense, heartfelt desire. Say, living long enough to see your grandchildren graduate from college or being in good enough shape to take a long-awaited 50th-anniversary trip. Visualizing the outcome you want can powerfully reinforce an exercise habit-in-the-making.

But for me, the most effective motivations are short-term. When I start warming up for my workout, I know from experience that I will come away feeling re-energized and just plain great! Why would I want to miss that burst of well-being? Virtually all the devoted exercisers I know say the same thing: I work out because it makes me feels so good!  

The takeaway:  Whatever your reasons, “I want to exercise” is a much greater boost to motivation and willpower than telling yourself, “I should.”  

3. Expand your exercise options

Exercise isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition.  If you’re having a low-energy day or simply aren’t in the mood, there’s no law that says you have to cling rigidly to your normal routine.

You could, for example, pick an alternative activity. Don’t want to lift weights? Go for a hike or bicycle ride instead. You can pick up your strength training tomorrow. On the other hand, you could do half your normal workout. That could mean doing fewer exercises, or lifting lighter weights, or doing fewer reps. Once you get going and your blood starts pumping, you may find yourself so invigorated that you end up doing your whole workout after all.

Of course, if you’re injured or recovering, fighting off a cold, or seriously sleep-deprived, it might make sense to take a day off. It’s important to listen to your body. Still, doing something is almost always better than doing nothing.

The takeaway: When it comes to getting fit, sheer will power is vastly overrated. Instead, try these 5 tips to make fitness a habit for life.

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4. Do one small thing instead of nothing

We often assume that motivation and willpower are what lead us to action. But it doesn’t always happen that way. Sometimes a little bit of action, no matter how small, can “prime the pump,” spurring us to do more. It’s a virtuous cycle that starts with action, which reminds you of your motivation and boosts your willpower, leading to more action.

If you want to exercise, but your willpower is flagging, do something to get the ball rolling. Change into your workout clothes. Lace-up your sneakers. Pick out an energizing soundtrack. Do stretches.

Then do some jumping jacks or some other warm-up exercise for one minute—just 60 seconds. When you’ve done that, ask yourself whether you’re ready to do five minutes, and then go on from there. 

The takeaway:  It’s been said that the hardest step in any exercise program is getting off the couch.  Mustering just a little bit of momentum can make it much easier to work toward your goals.

5. Use it or lose it

–Loss aversion

There is one more mental maneuver I use when my exercise habit needs shoring up. It centers on what behavioral economists call “loss aversion.”

Economists have learned that when it comes to our money, it’s human nature to feel more pain from a $100 loss than pleasure from a $100 gain. That can be a problem if it leads you to take undue risk, like holding on to a plunging stock because you’re unwilling to sustain any loss.

In the context of fitness, however, loss aversion is a plus. I know that if I had to stop exercising for any reason, I would rapidly lose conditioning. And while those losses would be reversible, it would probably take twice as long to rebuild my strength and cardio endurance as it did to lose them.

–Use it or lose it 

By the way, the principle of “use it or lose it” isn’t just for gym rats. It also applies to those who aren’t exercising.  We lose lean muscle mass and function as early as our thirties, particularly, if we’re not doing something to offset it. Further, the process of losing muscle mass only accelerates as we age3.

This is not to say you can’t slow deconditioning by exercising just once or twice a week. Nor does it mean that you should never skip an exercise session. Even elite athletes take a break now and then. 

–There’s no substitute for consistency

Still, if you want your exercise program to yield measurable results, there’s no substitute for consistency. This recently came home to me when my exercise routine was disrupted by a move from one city to another.

I soon got back to my usual schedule, but even when I opted to lift lighter weights, getting through my workout felt surprisingly arduous for the next week or two. I remember that experience any time I’m tempted to skip a session. I’ve worked too hard and too long on fitness to let up now. 

The takeaway: Remind yourself that you may lose conditioning fairly rapidly when you stop exercising and it can be an arduous process to get it back

The bottom line on making fitness a lasting habit   

To sum it all up: we expect too much of ourselves when we depend on willpower to help us meet fitness goals. Willpower is temporary and ephemeral. Habit is a much more enduring and reliable foundation for an exercise program. But even deeply rooted habits need to be shored up or adapted now and then. That’s when we need to enlist our mental powers. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that fitness challenges are as much mental as they are physical.


1. Rippe, J. Lifestyle Medicine: The Health Promoting Power of Daily Habits and Practices. . 2018 Nov-Dec; 12(6): 499–512.
Published online 2018 Jul 20. doi: 10.1177/1559827618785554 PMCID: PMC6367881PMID: 30783405

2. Milkman K, Minson J, Volpp K. Holding the Hunger Games Hostage at the Gym: An Evaluation of Temptation Bundling, Manage Sci. 2014 Feb; 60(2): 283–299. doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2013.1784 PMCID: PMC4381662 NIHMSID: NIHMS540597 PMID: 25843979

3. Larrson L, Degens H, Li M, et al. Sarcopenia: Aging-Related Loss of Muscle Mass and Function, . 2019 Jan 1; 99(1): 427–511. Published online 2018 Nov 14. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00061.2017 PMCID: PMC6442923 PMID: 30427277

James P. Owen

Website: https://theartofagingwell.com

James P. Owen

is an author and documentary film producer who inspires older adults to adopt healthier lifestyle habits.

After a successful 35-year Wall Street career, he shifted gears to offer a fresh perspective on issues close to his heart. His 2004 book, Cowboy Ethics, a best-seller with more than 150,000 copies in circulation, and two follow-up volumes, Cowboy Values and The Try, shined a light on the importance of shared values and personal character in our society. They also spawned a grassroots movement and organizational partnerships that have touched tens of thousands of students, business people, and families.

In 2010, Jim turned his attention to a public health issue that sooner or later affects us all. His goal is to change the way we think about aging. He especially wants to dispel the myth that we have no control over the aging process.

This “third act” in his career was spurred by his personal journey of transformation. As a 70-year-old “couch potato,” Jim resolved to do whatever it took to become fit and ease his excruciating chronic back pain. He began researching fitness and exploring approaches to successful aging. Within four years, his back pain had disappeared and he was in the best shape of his life.

Alarmed by the prevalence of serious chronic diseases among older Americans, Jim launched an ongoing public outreach campaign on the issue. He also wrote Just Move!, A New Approach to Fitness after 50 which was published by National Geographic. It was chosen by the Wall Street Journal as one of 2017’s top five books on healthy aging.

Most recently he has produced a half-hour documentary film, The Art of Aging Well, which is being aired on PBS stations across the nation. It can also be streamed from his website, theartofagingwell.com.

He is also a Fitness Ambassador at the Vi Living community in La Jolla, California.
At the age of 80, Jim continues striving to fill what he calls “the inspiration gap” on the subject of aging. "For years, we’ve been telling people that if they exercise and eat right, they can lower their risks of heart attack, stroke, cancer, or Alzheimer’s", he says. "But information isn’t enough. We can’t argue or browbeat people into taking care of themselves; we have to motivate and inspire them. That has become my purpose in life."

Jim holds a bachelor’s degree from Regis University. He resides in the San Diego area with his wife of 52 years and favorite workout partner, Stanya. His story has been featured on The Today Show and his writing and insights have been shared in publications including Muscle & Fitness, Thrive Global, AARP, Next Avenue, Healthline, Reader’s Digest, and many more.

He can be reached via his website, theartofagingwell.com, LinkedIn.com , @theartofagingwell on Facebook, and @justmovebook on Twitter.



  • I found the words of wisdom an incentive for me to “get off the couch.” As a mature woman who has suffered from various physical issues, I found it easier to sit and not exert energy to exercise as that meant pain. The “one small thing instead of nothing” can become a habit – it sounds easier and less painful. I am going down that road. Thanks for the extra push.

  • Jim, nice job on this solution-based strategy. We all know that taking on new behaviors – or any kind of behavior change – is difficult. I’m sharing this article on my Loving to 100 Club page.

  • James, what a wonderful insight into the psychological games we play to avoid exercising every day. I went through these experiences myself. I’ve been exercising for many years and by now it’s a habit not easily broken. However, every once in a while I go through conversations with myself such as “I’m too tired today” or “I didn’t get enough sleep” or “I’m too busy, maybe later, in the afternoon”. I employ the technique you mentioned, allowing myself to think to myself “it’s OK to start easy today”. Invariably once I get into it I find myself back at my customary level of exertion. And without fail, I feel great about overcoming the temptation to quit for a day.

    My routine includes on alternate days 3 days of interval aerobic training (35 minutes on the elliptical, resistance level 5 on a scale of 10) and 3 days strength training (one day with lifting, one day pushups, and one day pullups), and on the Sabbath (actually Sunday) I take it easy and do yoga stretches and balance posititions). On days of strength training I also do a short burst of aerobic/anaerobic exercise (250 of Mountain Climbers which leaves me breathless for a couple of minutes).

    How did I get to these levels? Very slowly. After countless injuries to my Achilles tendon and rotator cuffs, I learned my lesson. For instance, I could do about 100 of the Mountain Climbers initially, but when I felt comfortable doing it I escalated to 110, then 120 and so forth. My wife’s trainer said she has never seen anybody doing 250. Same with weights.

    I am now doing various weights of dumbells, up to 50lbs. Again, I got to it *very* slowly. And I always do stretches immediately after each set. So far, no injuries! So the lessons I learned over the years (and the countless injuries) is that you can’t argue with your body’s messages and win. You will lose the argument, guaranteed. and if you don’t give in to the temptation to quit – you will win in the long run. And, BTW, I am 85 years old and have never felt better.

    • I can verify that everything Dov said was true! He does do 250 Mountain Climbers in one session – the exercise I dread the most (and there are many that I dread.

      My route to making exercise a habit has been to work out with another person with the agreement that we will not cancel for frivolous reasons. At first, I worked out with friends and classmates. Now, my exercise partner of choice is my personal trainer. I do virtual sessions with her twice a week – no messing around – just one eercise after another. The hour fles by even when I was not all that motivated in the first place.

    • What you do is start low, say 30 or forty. no dread. And you feel comfortable, add 5 or ten. And when you don’t feel dread about doing it anymore, add another 5-10. You will reach 200 and more in due time. no rush.

    • Your aerobic capacity and stamina will increase by leaps and bounds. And anaerobic bursts like this one are the most efficient way to lose weight. Has to do with elementary biochemistry (glucose metabolism via inefficient anaerobic glycolysis rather than efficient aerobic oxidative phosphorylation). Enough of a motivator?

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